Every family in the past seems to have had a Button tin. In all shapes and sizes big ones, small ones, rusty ones! All with the same distinct smell of history.
The button tin that I grew up with is a large pink tin one with a rusty rim. When you open it you can’t but smile. It is filled with buttons in all shapes and sizes colours and textures. My grandmother was a great dress maker and I can remember outfits she made by the buttons in the tin that were made to match. Buttons can be like photographs jogging memories from the past.
Nowadays it is a sad trend that we are throwing away our old buttons far too easily. Start collecting today and create a little piece of history for your next generations to come.
My mother has a button box. There is a tiny sample bottle of Channel #5 in with the buttons. When we were children we would sit on the bed running our fingers through the buttons and inhaling the sweetness of the perfume. When I get together with my sisters and we talk about growing up, someone always mentions the button box.
I save buttons.
Me too! http://flyonthewalljamyd.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/buttons-2/
ohh buttons in colour coded jars! drool lol